«2050 is still 25 years away; it’s not just around the corner. It’s always difficult to predict future scenarios. This is especially true in this era of rapid technological advancement. This blog aims to predict the most probable scenario. It is an optimistic vision of what the world will become. This assumes we know how to make the most of technology. Additionally, nothing should stand in the way of the anticipated advancements. Our lives will be much better, although very different from what was once the norm in the now-distant 20th century.
The 50 disruptions discussed in this blog have been selected for their impact on our daily lives. They are categorized by topic. Without a doubt, the three most significant will be Artificial Intelligence, which will be seen in nearly all aspects of our lives; quantum computing, which will allow an unprecedented leap in what can be achieved with the help of computers; and cheap energy, which will make nuclear fusion possible